Vergangene Seminare seit 2016

Gastgeber: IMPRS

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VII - 2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Elucidate the mechanism of PhoQ inhibition by the small protein MgrB

Doctoral thesis defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VI - 2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Introduction to mass spectrometry-based proteomics


Scientific Illustration and Adobe Illustrator


Future Network Talks #20

Career Development and Networking Session

Graduate Students Mini Symposium V-2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

IMPRS Selection Symposium

Special Event

Future Network Talks #19

Career Development and Networking Session

Biosyntheses of natural products from Proteobacteria

Doctoral thesis defense

A beginner's guide to maximum-likelihood phylogenetics


Graduate Students Mini Symposium IV-2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Cell-physiology experiments in fluctuating micro-environments


RNA Biochemistry


Future Network Talks #18

Career Development and Networking Session

Scientific writing: Turning the blank page into a manuscript


Graduate Students Mini Symposium III-2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Workshop: Job Searching Strategy 2023 & Unlock the Full Potential of Your Resume


Future Network Talks #17

Career Development and Networking Session

Graduate Students Mini Symposium II-2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium I-2024

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Future Network Talks #16

Career Development and Networking Session

Evolution of essential complexity in Rubisco

Doctoral thesis defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium XI-2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Future Network Talks #15

Career Development and Networking Session

Future Network Talks #14

Career Development and Networking Session

Graduate Students Mini Symposium X-2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium IX-2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VIII - 2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VII - 2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Towards the extension of the substrate spectrum of the [Fe]-hydrogenase Hmd

Doctoral thesis defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VI - 2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium V - 2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium IV-2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Investigating the kinetochore complex in Schizosaccharomyces pombe using advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques

Doctoral thesis defense

Enzymatic systems for synthetic formate assimilation

Doctoral thesis defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium III-2023

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium II 2023

Microbiology Seminar Series

Graduate Students Mini Symposium I 2023

Microbiology Seminar Series

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VIII

Microbiology Seminar Series

Decoupling of growth and overproduction of chemicals in Escherichia coli

Doctoral thesis defense

Protein diffusion in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli

Doctoral thesis defense

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium VII 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium VI 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium V 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium IV 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium III 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium II 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium I 2022

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium VII 2021

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VI 2021

Graduate Students Mini Symposium V 2021

Bacterial Danger-Sensing Protects Against Bacteriophage Predation

PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium IV 2021

Molecular function and regulation of the bacterial injectisome

PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium III 2021

Cell-free systems for on-demand biomanufacturing, molecular sensing, and education

Microbiology Seminar Series

IMPRS Selection Symposium

Graduate Students Mini Symposium II 2021

Graduate Students Mini Symposium I 2021

Structural Proteomics of the Fungal Cell Wall

PhD Defense

Biochemical Characterization of the Phoslactomycin modular Polyketidesynthase

PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VIII 2020

Expanding the repertoire of enzymatic C‑C bond formation with one-carbon units

PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium VII 2020

Establishment and maintenance of cell polarity in Myxococcus xanthus

PhD Defense

Implementation of CO2 fixation pathways into Methylorubrum extorquens AM1

PhD Defense

Realization of a New-to-Nature Carboxylation Pathway

PhD Defense

Implant Infection and Innate Immunity

Microbiology Seminar Series

The coming of age of de novo protein design

Microbiology Seminar Series

Engineering bioremediation agents: from the test tube to planet Earth

Microbiology Seminar Series

IMPRS Selection Symposium

The Role of Genomic Context in Bacterial Growth Homeostasis

PhD Defense

Faculty of 1000 at Max Planck Institutes

Special seminar


PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium II/2019

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Dynamics of bacterial biofilm predation

PhD Defense

Graduate Students Mini Symposium I/2019

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium VI/2018

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

The role of M23 peptidases on cell division and cell shape in Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Regulatory circuits controlling the glycine betaine synthesizing pathway in Bacillus subtilis

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Proteomics - a new tool for type II methanotroph research

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium V/2018

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Establishing CO2 fixation pathways in Methylobacterium extorquens

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Evolution of a Non-natural Carboxylase for Synthetic Photorespiration

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Influence of cardiolipin on the function of bacterial chemoreceptors

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Determination of the substrate recognition by fumarate adding enzymes

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium IV/2018

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

A CTP-binding protein links the ParABS chromosome segregation system to the bactofilin cytoskeleton in Myxococcus xanthus

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Shedding Light on CETCH: Linking synthetic carbon fixation pathways to the energy produced by light powered thylakoids

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Biofilm architectural breakdown in response to antibiotics facilitates community invasion

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Characterization of DNA interference by a minimal Type I CRISPR-Cas system

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium III/2018

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Characterization of a Serine/Threonine kinase in Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Architecture of Vibrio parahaemolyticus swarm-colonies

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Studies on catalytic mechanism of [Fe]-hydrogenase from methanogenic archaea

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium II/2018

Microbiology Seminar Series

Regulation of peptidoglycan biosynthesis in Hyphomonas neptunium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Biochemistry of the key spatial regulators MipZ and PopZ in Caulobacter crescentus

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Shining light on the structural features of DNA repair in the PCSf

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium

Graduate Students Mini-Symposium I/2018

Microbiology Seminar Series

Mechanisms and regulation of bacterial cell wall growth

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