Publikationen von Michael Mahlert

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Mahlert, M.; Vogler, C.; Stelter, K.; Hause, G.; Basse, C. W.: The a2 mating-type-locus gene Iga2 of Ustilago maydis interferes with mitochondrial dynamics and fusion, partially in dependence on a Dnm1-like fission component. Journal of Cell Science 122, S. 2402 - 2412 (2009)
Zheng, Y.; Kief, J.; Auffarth, K.; Farfsing, J. W.; Mahlert, M.; Nieto, F.; Basse, C. W.: The Ustilago maydis Cys2His2-type zinc finger transcription factor Mzr1 regulates fungal gene expression during the biotrophic growth stage. Molecular Microbiology 68 (6), S. 1450 - 1470 (2008)
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