Publikationen von T. Hiromoto

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Thauer, R. K.; Kaster, A. K.; Goenrich, M.; Schick, M.; Hiromoto, T.; Shima, S.: Hydrogenases from methanogenic archaea, nickel, a novel cofactor, and H2 storage. Annual Review of Biochemistry 79, 79, S. 507 - 536 (2010)
Hiromoto, T.; Ataka, K.; Pilak, O.; Vogt, S.; Stagni, M. S.; Meyer-Klaucke, W.; Warkentin, E.; Thauer, R. K.; Shima, S.; Ermler, U.: The crystal structure of C176A mutated [Fe]-hydrogenase suggests an acyl-iron ligation in the active site iron complex. FEBS Letters 583 (3), S. 585 - 590 (2009)
Hiromoto, T.; Warkentin, E.; Moll, J.; Ermler, U.; Shima, S.: The Crystal Structure of an [Fe]-Hydrogenase-Substrate Complex Reveals the Framework for H2 Activation. Angewandte Chemie Int. ed. 48, S. 6457 - 6460 (2009)
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