Core Facility for Mass spectrometry & Proteomics

Publikationen von F. Rossmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Rossmann, F.; Brenzinger, S.; Knauer, C.; Dorrich, A.; Bubendorfer, S.; Ruppert, U.; Bange, G.; Thormann, K.: The role of FlhF and HubP as polar landmark proteins in Shewanella putrefaciensCN-32. Molecular Microbiology 98 (4), S. 727 - 742 (2015)
Bubendorfer, S.; Koltai, M.; Rossmann, F.; Sourjik, V.; Thormann, K.: Secondary bacterial flagellar system improves bacterial spreading by increasing the directional persistence of swimming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (31), S. 11485 - 11490 (2014)
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