Publications of I. Bulyha

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Friedrich, C.; Bulyha, I.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Outside-In Assembly Pathway of the Type IV Pilus System in Myxococcus xanthus. Journal of Bacteriology 196 (2), pp. 378 - 390 (2014)
Journal Article
Bulyha, I.; Lindow, S.; Lin, L.; Bolte, K.; Wuichet, K.; Kahnt, J.; van der Does, C.; Thanbichler, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Two Small GTPases Act in Concert with the Bactofilin Cytoskeleton to Regulate Dynamic Bacterial Cell Polarity. Developmental Cell 25 (2), pp. 119 - 131 (2013)
Journal Article
Bulyha, I.; Hot, E.; Huntley, S.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: GTPases in bacterial cell polarity and signalling. Current Opinion in Microbiology 14 (6), pp. 726 - 733 (2011)
Journal Article
Leonardy, S.; Miertzschke, M.; Bulyha, I.; Sperling, E.; Wittinghofer, A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Regulation of dynamic polarity switching in bacteria by a Ras-like G-protein and its cognate GAP. EMBO Journal 29 (14), pp. 2276 - 2289 (2010)
Journal Article
Bulyha, I.; Schmidt, C.; Lenz, P.; Jakovljevic, V.; Höne, A.; Maier, B.; Hoppert, M.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Regulation of the type IV pili molecular machine by dynamic localization of two motor proteins. Molecular Microbiology 74 (3), pp. 691 - 706 (2009)
Journal Article
Leonardy, S.; Bulyha, I.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: Reversing cells and oscillating motility proteins. Molecular BioSystems 4 (10), pp. 1009 - 1014 (2008)
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