Seminars & Events

Seminars & Events

The Microbiology Seminar Series is jointly organized by the Max Planck Institute, the Departments of Microbiology, Genetics and Cell Biology at the Philipps-Universität and SYNMIKRO. If you are interested in an event, please contact our Scientific Coordinator. [more]
The Mini Symposia provide a platform for third-year doctoral researchers from the Max Planck Institute and the International Max Planck Research School to present the results of their PhD work to a larger audience. [more]
We often host additional seminars by invited speakers that are open to the public. You can find these listed under "Other seminars". If you are interested in an event, please contact our Scientific Coordinator. [more]
The seminar archive lists past seminars. [more]
Public Events
The MPI-TM regularly hosts popular science events as an ideal platform for dialogue between science and society. In a variety of formats, our researchers provide exciting insights into the fascinating world of microbiology. more
Max Planck goes to school
Taking science to where it matters most for our future: our programmes for students and teachers. more
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