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Dr. Maren Nattermann is a new research group leader at MPI-TM

With Synthetic Biology towards a sustainable Chemistry more

Spectroscopic method provides more precise insights into hydrogen conversion

Parahydrogen-enhanced magnetic resonance spectroscopy visualizes the process of [Fe]-hydrogenase catalysis more

Katharina Höfer and Johannes Rebelein selected as EMBO Young Investigators

Prof. Dr. Katharina Höfer and Dr. Johannes Rebelein have been appointed to the European Molecular Biology Organisation's network of top young European researchers more

An Enzyme in Training Camp

‘Lactyl-CoA mutase’, which is not found in nature, was specifically developed for efficient synthetic metabolic pathways more

A Journey back in time to the origin of stem cells

Proteins that regulate animal stem cells are much older than animals themselves more

The Hidden Potential of Enzyme Promiscuity

Evolution in the laboratory can turn a familiar enzyme into a potential hotspot of innovation in synthetic biology more

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