Child Care
The city of Marburg offers a wide range of care centers. Due to the high demand, parents should register at least one year in advance for all the facilities in question. There are long waiting lists: In Marburg, it is quite common to look after a day care center during the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition to the options offered by the city of Marburg, the MPIterMic has created a local network for support of staff with children. Interested people can register for this network by contacting the Equal Opportunity Office.
Babysitting exchange
The babysitting exchange is an Internet platform of the Philipps-Universität Marburg’s family service in cooperation with the Hochschulrechenzentrum. Students as well as employees of the Philipps-Universität Marburg can offer and search for babysitting service free of charge, but the baby sitters are to be paid.
For more information please open following link:
Babysitterbörse der Philipps-Universität Marburg (uni-marburg.de)
KITA Zappel-Philipp
The KITA Zappel-Philipp is a facility of the “Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Marburg e. V.” (child and youth welfare organization Marburg e.V.). It is located at the Lahnberge and it is just a 5-minute walk from the KITA in the Botanical Garden of the Philipps-Universität Marburg to the MPI. Please note that in Germany, depending on the region, different institutions are called "Kindertagesstätte" (abbreviated to KiTa or Kita) which consists of a Kinderkrippe and/or Kindergarten and/or Hort. In this strict definition, KITA Zappel-Philipp is a Kinderkrippe (children aged 6 months up to 3 years).
For more information please open following link:
Anneliese Pohl Kindertagesstätte
The Anneliese Pohl Kindertagesstätte is located at the Lahnberge and offers child care for children under and over three years old. At the Kindergarten, the children are taken care of starting at three years old until they reach primary school. Children with parents who work at the Lahnberge are prioritized.
For more information please open following link:
Anneliese Pohl Kindertagesstätte (kjhm.de)
Holiday care
There are several institutions and programs in Marburg that offer child care during holidays. For example, children can do short trips in groups, take sewing or painting courses. Below you can find websites that offer holiday care in Marburg.
Ferienangebote 2024 | Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf
Ferienkurse - kunstwerkstatt-marburg für Kinder und Jugendliche
pme family service
The company pme family service offers support in finding solutions for childcare (ages 0 - 14), homecare-eldercare as well as back-up - emergency care. Due to the cooperation between the Max Planck Society (MPG) and pme family service, all advice and support from pme is free of charge for all employees of our institute. Nevertheless, parents or family members must cover the actual costs for childcare, eldercare and emergency care. There is a 24-hours Service-Hotline: 0800 801007080.
Furthermore, it is possible to organize child care during school vacations at our institute in Marburg via pme family service. In case you are interested, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office as soon as possible. MPG pays for the organization of the holiday care and the parents must cover costs for child care and food.
The condition of use for pme family service's consulting and agency services is an authorization certificate stamped by the personnel department. This form can either be obtained from pme family service or it can be downloaded here:
Qualification certificate pme (mpg.de)
For further information please register and visit Registrierung - Mein Familienservice
Useful links
Kita, Kindergarten, Krippe, Hort Marburg | Ev. Kindertagesstätten Marburg (kitas-marburg.de)
Familie und Kinder | Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf
Familienservice - Dezernat VI - Universität - Philipps-Universität Marburg (uni-marburg.de)