Prof. Dr. Lotte Søgaard-Andersen

AG Sogaard-Andersen
+49 6421 178 201


  • Intercellular communication
  • Signal transduction pathways: Signal integration & decision-making
  • Motility & its spatiotemporal regulation
  • Cell cycle regulation
  • Evolution of novel traits


Lotte Søgaard-Andersen (born 1959) 
M. Sc. thesis (Molecular biology), University of Odense, 1984 
Medical Doctor, University of Odense, 1988 
Visiting scientist, Institut Pasteur, Paris, 1990 
PhD (Molecular biology), University of Odense, 1991 
Post-doc, University of Odense, 1991 
Assistant professor, University of Odense, 1992 
Visiting scientist, Stanford University, 1994 
Associate professor, University of Southern Denmark, 1996 
Professor, University of Southern Denmark, 2002 
Director and Head of the Department of Ecophysiology at the MPI in Marburg, since 2004 
Professor for Microbiology at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, since 2008

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