Prof. Dr. Andreas Brune
FG Brune
Termite guts are tiny bioreactors converting lignocellulose to microbial
fermentation products that fuel the metabolism of the host. My research
group studies the role of the termite gut microbiota in the symbiotic
digestion of wood, focusing on the biology of the prokaryotic and
eukaryotic symbionts and their interactions, the structure and functions
of the intestinal ecosystem, and the evolution of its microbiota. Other
aspects are the microbial processes in the guts of humivorous soil
macrofauna, such as soil-feeding termites and scarab beetle larvae.
Andreas Brune (born 1960)
Diplom (Biology), Universität Marburg, 1986
Dr. rer. nat. (Microbiology), Universität Tübingen, 1990
Postdoc (Microbiology), Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1991-1993
Research Associate and Group Leader (Microbial Ecology), Universität Konstanz, 1993-2003
Habilitation (Microbiology and Microbial Ecology), Universität Konstanz, 2000
Research Group Leader (C3), MPI Marburg, since 2003