Speakers from Academia and Industry (see below)

Microbiology Seminar Series

  • Datum: 04.05.2017
  • Vortragende(r): Symposium: Biofilms in Nature, Technology, and Medicine
  • Mette Burmølle (University of Copenhagen), Wolfgang Streit (University of Hamburg), Daniel Smyth (Cochlear Technology, Belgium), Holger Rohde (University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf), Tim Tolker-Nielsen (University of Copenhagen), Ute Römling (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), Hartmut Oschkinat (Leibniz Institute Molecular Pharmacology), Joachim Tretzel (Doehler Corporation, Darmstadt), Henny van der Mei (University of Groningen), Romain Briandet (INRA-AgroParisTech, Paris)
  • Ort: Cineplex Cinema, Biegenstraße, Marburg
  • Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. K. Drescher
  • Kontakt: k.drescher@mpi-marburg.mpg.de
Attendance at the symposium is free of charge, but registration is required. Please register here: http://synmikro.com/news/events/biofilms-in-nature-technology-and-medicine-symposium-2017/registration.html

Session: Biofilms in the Environment

Mette Burmølle (University of Copenhagen)

Wolfgang Streit (University of Hamburg)

Session: Medical Biofilms

Daniel Smyth (Cochlear Technology, Belgium)

Holger Rohde (University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf)

Tim Tolker-Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)

Session: Molecular Biology of Biofilms

Ute Römling (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)

Hartmut Oschkinat (Leibniz Institute Molecular Pharmacology)

Session: Approaches for Preventing Biofilms

Joachim Tretzel (Doehler Corporation, Darmstadt)

Henny van der Mei (University of Groningen)

Romain Briandet (INRA-AgroParisTech, Paris)

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