Symposium: Frontiers in Microbiology 2016
- Beginn: 02.11.2016 13:00
- Ende: 03.11.2016 11:00
- Ort: MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology
- Raum: Lecture hall
- Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. L. Søgaard-Andersen
- Kontakt:
Wednesday November 2nd
Chair Lotte Sogaard-Andersen
13:00 – 13:45 Helge Bode, University of Frankfurt
From natural products to microbial ecology and peptide
13:45 – 14:30 Rosalind J. Allen, University of Edinburgh
Bacterial growth: from cells to communities
14:30 - 15:15 Tobias Erb, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology
We do it our (path)way: Bringing inorganic carbon into life
with synthetic CO2-fixation
15:15 – 15:45 Refreshments
Chair Victor Sourjik
15:45 – 16:30 Bettina Weber, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Microbial surface communities: ecological and
biogeochemical roles in the Earth system
16:30 – 17:15 Joseph Mougous, University of Washington, Seattle
Mechanisms and implications of interbacterial antagonism
17:15 – 18:00 Waldemar Vollmer, Newcastle University
Mechanisms of bacterial cell wall growth
Thursday November 3rd
Chair Regine Kahmann
9:00 – 9:45 Saskia A. Hogenhout, John Innes Centre, Norwich
How phytoplasma effectors modulate plant development
and attract insect vectors
9:45 – 10:30 Matthias Horn, University of Vienna
Intracellular microbial dark matter
Contact: Lotte Sogaard-Andersen, 178-201,