pme family service

The company pme family service offers support in finding solutions for childcare (ages 0 - 14), homecare-eldercare as well as back-up - emergency care. Due to the cooperation between the Max Planck Society (MPG) and pme family service, all advice and support from pme is free of charge for all employees of our institute. Nevertheless, parents or family members must cover the actual costs for childcare, eldercare and emergency care. There is a 24-hours Service-Hotline: 0800 801007080.
Furthermore, it is possible to organize childcare during school vacations at our institute in Marburg via pme family service. In case you are interested, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office as soon as possible. MPG pays for the organization of the holiday care and the parents must cover costs for childcare and food.
The condition of use for pme family service's consulting and agency services is an authorization certificate stamped by the personnel department. This form can either be obtained from pme family service or it can be downloaded here:
Certificate of Eligibility
For further information please register and visit pme family service