Current · 2015 · 2010 · 2005 · 2000 · 1995 · 1990
- Brune, A., Dietrich, C. (2015)
- The gut microbiota of termites: Digesting the diversity in the light of ecology and evolution. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 69: 145–166.(Online)
- Bauer, E., Lampert, N., Mikaelyan, A., Köhler, T., Maekawa, K., Brune, A. (2015)
- Physicochemical conditions, metabolites, and community structure of the bacterial microbiota in the gut of wood-feeding cockroaches (Blaberidae: Panesthiinae). FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 91: 1–14.(Online)
- Lang, K., Schuldes, J., Klingl, A., Poehlein, A., Daniel, R., Brune, A. (2015)
- New mode of energy metabolism in the seventh order of methanogens as indicated by comparative genome analysis of "Candidatus Methanoplasma termitum". Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81: 1338–1352.(Online)
- Mikaelyan, A., Dietrich, C., Köhler, T., Poulsen, M., Sillam-Dussès, D., Brune, A. (2015)
- Diet is the primary determinant of bacterial community structure in the guts of higher termites. Mol. Ecol. 24: 5284–5295.(Online)
- Mikaelyan, A., Köhler, T., Lampert, N., Rohland, J., Boga, H., Meuser, K., Brune, A. (2015)
- Classifying the bacterial gut microbiota of termites and cockroaches: a curated phylogenetic reference database (DictDb). Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 38: 472–482.(Online)
- Rossmassler, K., Dietrich, C., Thompson, C., Mikaelyan, A., Nonoh, J.O., Scheffrahn, R.H., Sillam-Dussès, D., Brune, A. (2015)
- Metagenomic analysis of the microbiota in the highly compartmented hindguts of six wood- or soil-feeding higher termites. Microbiome 3: 56.(Online)
- Zheng, H., Brune, A. (2015)
- Complete genome sequence of Endomicrobium proavitum, a free-living relative of the intracellular symbionts of termite gut flagellates (phylum Elusimicrobia). Genome Announc. 3: e00679–15.(Online)
- Zheng, H., Dietrich, C., Thompson, C.L., Meuser, K., Brune, A. (2015)
- Population structure of Endomicrobia in single host cells of termite gut flagellates (Trichonympha spp.). Microb. Environ. 30: 92–98.(Online)
- Brune, A. (2014)
- Symbiotic digestion of lignocellulose in termite guts. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 12: 168–180.(Online)
- Brune, A. (2014)
- The Family Elusimicrobiaceae. In: The Prokaryotes, 4th edn., Vol. 11: Other Major Lineages of Bacteria and The Archaea (Rosenberg, E.; DeLong, E.F.; Lory, S.; Stackebrandt, E.; Thompson, F. , eds.). Springer, Berlin, pp. 637–640.(Online)
- Dietrich, C., Köhler, T., Brune, A. (2014)
- The cockroach origin of the termite gut microbiota: patterns in bacterial community structure reflect major evolutionary events. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80: 2261–2269.(Online)
- Mikaelyan, A., Strassert, J.F.H., Tokuda, G., Brune, A. (2014)
- The fiber-associated cellulolytic bacterial community in the hindgut of wood-feeding higher termites (Nasutitermes spp.). Environ. Microbiol. 16: 2711–2722.(Online)
- Otani, S., Mikaelyan, A., Nobre, T., Hansen, L.H., Koné, N.A., Sørensen, S.J., Aanen, D.K., Boomsma, J.J., Brune, A., Poulsen, M. (2014)
- Identifying the core microbial community in the gut of fungus-growing termites. Mol. Ecol. 23: 4631–4644.(Online)
- Radek, R., Strassert, J.F.H., Krüger, J., Meuser, K., Scheffrahn, R.H., Brune, A. (2014)
- Phylogeny and ultrastructure of Oxymonas jouteli, a rostellum-free species, and Opisthomitus longiflagellatus sp. nov., oxymonadid flagellates from the gut of Neotermes jouteli. Protist 165: 384–399.(Online)
- Schauer, C., Thompson, C.L., Brune, A. (2014)
- Pyrotag sequencing of the gut microbiota of the cockroach Shelfordella lateralis reveals a highly dynamic core but only limited effects of diet on community structure. PLoS ONE 9: e85861.(Online)
- Šustr, V., Stingl., U., Brune, A. (2014)
- Microprofiles of oxygen, redox potential, and pH, and microbial fermentation products in the highly alkaline gut of the saprophagous larva of Penthetria holosericea (Diptera: Bibionidae). J. Ins. Physiol. 67: 64–69.(Online)
- Brune, A. (2013)
- Symbiotic associations between termites and prokaryotes. In: The Prokaryotes, 4th edn., Vol. 1: Prokaryotic Biology and Symbiotic Associations (Rosenberg, E.; DeLong, E.; Thompson, F.; Lory, S.; Stackebrandt, E., eds.). Springer, Berlin, pp. 545–577.(Online)
- Thompson, C.L., Brune, A. (2013)
- Crystal ball 2013: Unweaving the evolutionary fabric of symbiotic digestion in termites. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 5: 14–15.(Online)
- Thompson, C.L., Mikaelyan, A., Brune, A. (2013)
- Immune-modulating gut symbionts are not "Candidatus Arthromitus". Mucosal Immunol. 6: 200–201.(Online)
- Brune, A. (2012)
- Endomicrobia: intracellular symbionts of termite gut flagellates. Endocytobiosis Cell Res. 23: 11–15.(Online)
- Desai, M.S., Brune, A. (2012)
- Bacteroidales ectosymbionts of gut flagellates shape the nitrogen-fixing community in dry-wood termites. ISME J. 6: 1302–1313.(Online)
- Guichard, P., Desfosses, A., Maheshwari, A., Hachet, V., Dietrich, C., Brune, A., Ishikawa, T., Sachse, C., Gönczy, P. (2012)
- Cartwheel architecture of Trichonympha basal body. Science 337: 553.(Online)
- Hobbie, S.N., Li, X., Basen, M., Stingl, U., Brune, A. (2012)
- Humic substance-mediated Fe(III) reduction by a fermenting Bacillus strain from the alkaline gut of a humus-feeding scarab beetle larva. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 35: 226–232.(Online)
- Köhler, T., Dietrich, C., Scheffrahn, R.H., Brune, A. (2012)
- High-resolution analysis of gut environment and bacterial microbiota reveals functional compartmentation of the gut in wood-feeding higher termites (Nasutitermes spp.). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78: 4691–4701.(Online)
- Ngugi, D.K., Antunes, A., Brune, A., Stingl, U. (2012)
- Biogeography of pelagic bacterioplankton across an antagonistic temperature–salinity gradient in the Red Sea. Mol. Ecol. 21: 388–405.(Online)
- Ngugi, D.K., Brune, A. (2012)
- Nitrate reduction, nitrous oxide formation, and anaerobic ammonia oxidation to nitrite in the gut of soil-feeding termites (Cubitermes and Ophiotermes spp.). Environ. Microbiol. 14: 860–871.(Online)
- Paul, K., Nonoh, J.O., Mikulski, L., Brune, A. (2012)
- "Methanoplasmatales", Thermoplasmatales-related archaea in termite guts and other environments, are the seventh order of methanogens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78: 8245–8253.(Online)
- Schauer, C., Thompson, C.L., Brune, A. (2012)
- The bacterial community in the gut of the cockroach Shelfordella lateralis reflects the close evolutionary relatedness of cockroaches and termites. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 78: 2758–2767.(Online)
- Strassert, J.F.H., Köhler, T., Wienemann, T.H.G., Ikeda-Ohtsubo, W., Faivre, N., Franckenberg, S., Plarre, R., Radek, R., Brune, A. (2012)
- 'Candidatus Ancillula trichonymphae', a novel lineage of endosymbiotic Actinobacteria in termite gut flagellates of the genus Trichonympha. Environ. Microbiol. 14: 3259–3270.(Online)
- Thompson, C.L., Vier, R., Mikaelyan, A., Wienemann, T., Brune, A. (2012)
- 'Candidatus Arthromitus' revised: Segmented filamentous bacteria in arthropod guts are members of Lachnospiraceae. Environ. Microbiol. 14: 1454–1465.(Online)
- Brune, A. (2011)
- Microbial symbioses in the digestive tract of lower termites. In: Beneficial Microorganisms in Multicellular Life Forms (E. Rosenberg, U. Gophna, eds.). Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 45717.(Online)
- Brune, A., Ohkuma, M. (2011)
- Role of the termite gut microbiota in symbiotic digestion. In: Biology of Termites: A Modern Synthesis (D.E. Bignell, Y. Roisin, N. Lo, eds). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 439–475.(Online)
- Frouz, J., Li, X., Brune, A., Pizl, V., Abakumov, E.V. (2011)
- Effect of soil invertebrates on the formation of humic substances under laboratory conditions. Eurasian Soil Sci. 44: 893–896.(Online)
- Ngugi, D.K., Ji, R., Brune, A. (2011)
- Nitrogen mineralization, denitrification, and nitrate ammonification by soil-feeding termites – a 15N-based approach. Biogeochemistry 103: 355–369.(Online)
- Ohkuma, M., Brune, A. (2011)
- Diversity, structure, and evolution of the termite gut microbial community. In: Biology of Termites: A Modern Synthesis (D.E. Bignell, Y. Roisin, N. Lo, eds). Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 413–438.(Online)
- Wienemann, T., Schmitt-Wagner, D., Meuser, K., Segelbacher, G., Schink, B., Brune, A., and Berthold, P. (2011)
- The bacterial microbiota in the ceca of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) differs between wild and captive birds. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 34: 542–551.(Online)