Girls`s Days
The future is yours!
On Girl's Day, which is held nationwide, we usually offer around 15 schoolgirls from 8th grade upwards an exciting insight into the world of research.
The next Girls`Day is on April 03, 2025. Registration via our Girls`Day page!
At the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (MPI-TM) we want to understand how microorganisms function at the molecular and cellular level and in communities. Microorganisms are everywhere and essential for our health.
Some of them invented probably the most important material cycle on our planet, photosynthesis. Others make hydrogen and methane.
They contain the biology and chemistry that could enable us to find sustainable ways of providing energy in the future, new approaches to developing therapies or active ingredients, producing sustainable valuable materials, or reducing excess greenhouse gases.
On Girl's Day, you are a researcher for a day. You get an insight into the day-to-day work, have a look at DNA, hunt microbes and visit parts of our infrastructure that make research possible.
Recommended age: from 14 years.