
Review Article
Case, N. T.; Gurr, S. J.; Fisher, M. C.; Blehert, D. S.; Boone, C.; Casadevall, A.; Chowdhary, A.; Cuomo, C. A.; Currie, C. R.; Denning, D. W. et al.; Ene, I. V.; Fritz-Laylin, L. K.; Gerstein, A. C.; Gow, N. A. R.; Gusa, A.; Iliev, I. D.; James, T. Y.; Jin, H.; Kahmann, R.; Klein, B. S.; Kronstad, J. W.; Ost, K. S.; Peay, K. G.; Shapiro, R. S.; Sheppard, D. C.; Shlezinger, N.; Stajich, J. E.; Stukenbrock, E. H.; Taylor, J. W.; Wright, G. D.; Cowen, L. E.; Heitman, J.; Segre, J. A.: Fungal impacts on Earth’s ecosystems. Nature 638 (8049), pp. 49 - 57 (2025)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Schweizer, G.; Reissmann, S.; Happel, P.; Assmann, D.; Roessel, N.; Gueldener, U.; Mannhaupt, G.; Ludwig, N.; Winterberg, S. et al.; Pellegrin, C.; Tanaka, S.; Vincon, V.; Lo Presti, L.; Wang, L.; Bender, L.; Gonzalez, C.; Vranes, M.; Kaemper, J.; Seong, K.; Krasileva, K.; Kahmann, R.: Novel secreted effectors conserved among smut fungi contribute to the virulence of Ustilago maydis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 37 (3), pp. 250 - 263 (2024)
Review Article
Kahmann, R.: My personal journey from the fascination for phages to a tumor-inducing fungal pathogen of corn. Annual Review of Microbiology 76 (1), pp. 1 - 19 (2022)
VAAM-Ehrenmitglied Anita Hoffmann mit 95 Jahren gestorben. (2022)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Kahmann, R.: Cell wall-associated effectors of plant-colonizing fungi. Mycologia 113 (2), pp. 247 - 260 (2021)
Journal Article
Fukada, F.; Roessel, N.; Muench, K.; Glatter, T.; Kahmann, R.: A small Ustilago maydis effector acts as a novel adhesin for hyphal aggregation in plant tumors. New Phytologist 231 (1), pp. 416 - 431 (2021)
Journal Article
Lin, J.-S.; Happel, P.; Kahmann, R.: Nuclear status and leaf tumor formation in the Ustilago maydis-maize pathosystem. New Phytologist 231 (1), pp. 399 - 415 (2021)
Journal Article
Ludwig, N.; Reissmann, S.; Schipper, K.; Gonzalez, C.; Assmann, D.; Glatter, T.; Moretti, M.; Ma, L.-S.; Rexer, K.-H.; Snetselaar, K. et al.; Kahmann, R.: A cell surface-exposed protein complex with an essential virulence function in Ustilago maydis. Nature Microbiology 6, pp. 722 - 730 (2021)
Journal Article
Rizzi, Y. S.; Happel, P.; Lenz, S.; Urs, M. J.; Bonin, M.; Cord-Landwehr, S.; Singh, R.; Moerschbacher, B. M.; Kahmann, R.: Chitosan and chitin deacetylase activity are necessary for development and virulence of Ustilago maydis. mBio 12 (2), e03419-20 (2021)
Journal Article
Schweizer, G.; Haider, M. B.; Barroso, G. V.; Rössel, N.; Münch, K.; Kahmann, R.; Dutheil, J.: Population genomics of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis: Demographic history and role of virulence clusters in adaptation. Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (5), evab073 (2021)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Gollin, I.; Roessel, N.; Kahmann, R.: The functionally conserved effector Sta1 is a fungal cell wall protein required for virulence in Ustilago maydis. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 227 (1), pp. 185 - 199 (2020)
Journal Article
Fisher, M. C.; Gurr, S. J.; Cuomo, C. A.; Blehert, D. S.; Jin, H.; Stukenbrock, E. H.; Stajich, J. E.; Kahmann, R.; Boone, C.; Denning, D. W. et al.; Gow, N. A. R.; Klein, B. S.; Kronstad, J. W.; Sheppard, D. C.; Taylor, J. W.; Wright, G. D.; Heitman, J.; Casadevall, A.; Cowen, L. E.: Threats posed by the fungal kingdom to humans, wildlife, and agriculture. mBio 11 (3), e00449-20 (2020)
Journal Article
Altegoer, F.; Weiland, P.; Giammarinaro, P. I.; Freibert, S.-A.; Binnebesel, L.; Han, X.; Lepak, A.; Kahmann, R.; Lechner, M.; Bange, G.: The two paralogous kiwellin proteins KWL1 and KWL1-b from maize are structurally related and have overlapping functions in plant defense. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 295 (23), pp. 7816 - 7825 (2020)
Journal Article
Dutheil, J. Y.; Muench, K.; Schotanus, K.; Stukenbrock, E. H.; Kahmann, R.: The insertion of a mitochondrial selfish element into the nuclear genome and its consequences. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10 (20), pp. 11117 - 11132 (2020)
Journal Article
Kaemper, J.; Friedrich, M. W.; Kahmann, R.: Creating novel specificities in a fungal nonself recognition system by single step homologous recombination events. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 228 (3), pp. 1001 - 1010 (2020)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Kahmann, R.: CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing approaches in filamentous fungi and oomycetes. FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY 130, pp. 43 - 53 (2019)
Journal Article
Han, X.; Kahmann, R.: Manipulation of Phytohormone Pathways by Effectors of Filamentous Plant Pathogens. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 10, 822 (2019)
Journal Article
Roth, R.; Hillmer, S.; Funaya, C.; Chiapello, M.; Schumacher, K.; Lo Presti, L.; Kahmann, R.; Paszkowski, U.: Arbuscular cell invasion coincides with extracellular vesicles and membrane tubules. NATURE PLANTS 5 (2), pp. 204 - + (2019)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Schweizer, G.; Roessel, N.; Fukada, F.; Thines, M.; Kahmann, R.: Neofunctionalization of the secreted Tin2 effector in the fungal pathogen Ustilago maydis. NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 4 (2), pp. 251 - 257 (2019)
Journal Article
Han, X.; Altegoer, F.; Steinchen, W.; Binnebesel, L.; Schuhmacher, J.; Glatter, T.; Giammarinaro, P. I.; Djamei, A.; Rensing, S. A.; Reissmann, S. et al.; Kahmann, R.; Bange, G.: A kiwellin disarms the metabolic activity of a secreted fungal virulence factor. NATURE 565 (7741), pp. 650 - + (2019)
Journal Article
Ma, L.-S.; Pellegrin, C.; Kahmann, R.: Repeat-containing effectors of filamentous pathogens and symbionts. CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY 46, pp. 123 - 130 (2018)
Journal Article
Riquelme, M.; Aime, M.; Branco, S.; Brand, A.; Brown, A.; Glass, N.; Kahmann, R.; Momany, M.; Rokas, A.; Trail, F.: The power of discussion: Support for women at the fungal Gordon Research Conference. FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY 121, pp. 65 - 67 (2018)
Journal Article
Krombach, S.; Reissmann, S.; Kreibich, S.; Bochen, F.; Kahmann, R.: Virulence function of the Ustilago maydis sterol carrier protein 2. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 220 (2), pp. 553 - 566 (2018)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Trippel, C.; Happel, P.; Lanver, D.; Reissmann, S.; Kahmann, R.: Single and Multiplexed Gene Editing in Ustilago maydis Using CRISPR-Cas9. BIO-PROTOCOL 8 (14), e2928 (2018)
Journal Article
Ma, L.; Wang, L.; Trippel, C.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Ullmann, S.; Moretti, M.; Carsten, A.; Kahnt, J.; Reissmann, S.; Zechmann, B. et al.; Bange, G.; Kahmann, R.: The Ustilago maydis repetitive effector Rsp3 blocks the antifungal activity of mannose-binding maize proteins. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 9, 1711 (2018)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Schweizer, G.; Kahmann, R.: Comparative analyses of secreted proteins in plant pathogenic smut fungi and related basidiomycetes. FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY 112, pp. 21 - 30 (2018)
Journal Article
Lanver, D.; Müller, A. N.; Happel, P.; Schweizer, G.; Haas, F.; Franitza, M.; Pellegrin, C.; Reissmann, S.; Altmuller, J.; Rensing, S. et al.; Kahmann, R.: The Biotrophic Development of Ustilago maydis Studied by RNA-Seq Analysis. PLANT CELL 30 (2), pp. 300 - 323 (2018)
Journal Article
Schweizer, G.; Muench, K.; Mannhaupt, G.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.; Dutheil, J. Y.: Positively Selected Effector Genes and Their Contribution to Virulence in the Smut Fungus Sporisorium reilianum. GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 10 (2), pp. 629 - 645 (2018)
Journal Article
Moretti, M.; Wang, L.; Grognet, P.; Lanver, D.; Link, H.; Kahmann, R.: Three regulators of G protein signaling differentially affect mating, morphology and virulence in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 105 (6), pp. 901 - 921 (2017)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, L.; Kahmann, R.: How filamentous plant pathogen effectors are translocated to host cells. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 38, pp. 19 - 24 (2017)
Journal Article
Lanver, D.; Tollot, M.; Schweizer, G.; Lo Presti, L.; Reissmann, S.; Ma, L.; Schuster, M.; Tanaka, S.; Liang, L.; Ludwig, N. et al.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis effectors and their impact on virulence. Nature Reviews Microbiology 15 (7), pp. 409 - 421 (2017)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, L.; Zechmann, B.; Kumlehn, J.; Liang, L.; Lanver, D.; Tanaka, S.; Bock, R.; Kahmann, R.: An assay for entry of secreted fungal effectors into plant cells. New Phytologist 213 (2), pp. 956 - 964 (2017)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Schweizer, G.; Kahmann, R.: Comparative analyses of secreted proteins in plant pathogenic smut fungi and related basidiomycetes. Fungal Genetics and Biology, (2017)
Journal Article
Rabe, F.; Bosch, J.; Stirnberg, A.; Guse, T.; Bauer, L.; Seitner, D.; Rabanal, F.; Czedik-Eysenberg, A.; Uhse, S.; Bindics, J. et al.; Genenncher, B.; Navarrete, F.; Kellner, R.; Ekker, H.; Kumlehn, J.; Vogel, J.P.; Gordon, S.P.; Marcel, T.C.; Munsterkotters, M.; Walter, M.C.; Sieber, C.M.K.; Mannhaupt, G.; Guldener, U.; Kahmann, R.; Djamei, A.: A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem. eLife 5, e20522 (2016)
Journal Article
Tollot, M.; Assmann, D.; Becker, C.; Altmuller, J.; Dutheil, J.Y.; Wegner, C.-E.; Kahmann, R.: The WOPR Protein Ros1 Is a Master Regulator of Sporogenesis and Late Effector Gene Expression in the Maize Pathogen Ustilago maydis. PLoS Pathogens 12 (6), e1005697 (2016)
Journal Article
Schuster, M.; Schweizer, G.; Reissmann, S.; Kahmann, R.: Genome editing in Ustilago maydis using the CRISPR-Cas system. Fungal Genetics and Biology 89 (Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 3 - 9 (2016)
Journal Article
Dutheil, J.Y.; Mannhaupt, G.; Schweizer, G.; Sieber, C.M.K.; Münsterkotter, M.; Güldener, U.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: A Tale of Genome Compartmentalization: The Evolution of Virulence Clusters in Smut Fungi. Genome Biology and Evolution 8 (3), pp. 681 - 704 (2016)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, L.; Diaz, C.L.; Turra, D.; Di Pietro, A.; Hampel, M.; Heimel, K.; Kahmann, R.: A conserved co-chaperone is required for virulence in fungal plant pathogens. New Phytologist 209 (3), pp. 1135 - 1148 (2016)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Djamei, A.; Lo Presti, L.; Schipper, K.; Winterberg, S.; Amati, S.; Becker, D.; Buchner, H.; Kumlehn, J.; Reissmann, S. et al.; Kahmann, R.: Experimental approaches to investigate effector translocation into host cells in the Ustilago maydis/maize pathosystem. European Journal of Cell Biology 94 (7-9), pp. 349 - 358 (2015)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Han, X.; Kahmann, R.: Microbial effectors target multiple steps in the salicylic acid production and signaling pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 349 (2015)
Journal Article
Lo Presti, L.; Lanver, D.; Schweizer, G.; Tanaka, S.; Liang, L.; Tollot, M.; Zuccaro, A.; Reissmann, S.; Kahmann, R.: Fungal Effectors and Plant Susceptibility. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY, VOL 66, pp. 513 - 545 (2015)
Journal Article
Sarkari, P.; Reindl, M.; Stock, J.; Muller, O.; Kahmann, R.; Feldbrugge, M.; Schipper, K.: Improved expression of single-chain antibodies in Ustilago maydis. Journal of Biotechnology 191 (Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 165 - 175 (2014)
Journal Article
Perez-Nadales, E.; Nogueira, M.; Baldin, C.; Castanheira, S.; El Ghalid, M.; Grund, E.; Lengeler, K.; Marchegiani, E.; Mehrotra, P.; Moretti, M. et al.; Naik, V.; Oses-Ruiz, M.; Oskarsson, T.; Schafer, K.; Wasserstrom, L.; Brakhage, A.; Gow, N.; Kahmann, R.; Lebrun, M.; Perez-Martin, J.; Di Pietro, A.; Talbot, N.; Toquin, V.; Walther, A.; Wendland, J.: Fungal model systems and the elucidation of pathogenicity determinants. Fungal Genetics and Biology 70, pp. 42 - 67 (2014)
Journal Article
Brefort, T.; Tanaka, S.; Neidig, N.; Doehlemann, G.; Vincon, V.; Kahmann, R.: Characterization of the Largest Effector Gene Cluster of Ustilago maydis. PLoS Pathogens 10 (7), e1003866 (2014)
Journal Article
Lanver, D.; Berndt, P.; Tollot, M.; Naik, V.; Vranes, M.; Warmann, T.; Muench, K.; Roessel, N.; Kahmann, R.: Plant Surface Cues Prime Ustilago maydis for Biotrophic Development. PLoS Pathogens 10 (7), e1004272 (2014)
Journal Article
Tanaka, S.; Brefort, T.; Neidig, N.; Djamei, A.; Kahnt, J.; Vermerris, W.; Koenig, S.; Feussner, K.; Feussner, I.; Kahmann, R.: A secreted Ustilago maydis effector promotes virulence by targeting anthocyanin biosynthesis in maize. eLife 3, e01355 (2014)
Journal Article
Rabe, F.; Ajami-Rashidi, Z.; Doehlemann, G.; Kahmann, R.; Djamei, A.: Degradation of the plant defence hormone salicylic acid by the biotrophic fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 89 (1), pp. 179 - 188 (2013)
Journal Article
Wawra, S.; Djamei, A.; Albert, I.; Nurnberger, T.; Kahmann, R.; van West, P.: In Vitro Trans location Experiments with RxLR-Reporter Fusion Proteins of Avr1b from Phytophthora sojae and AVR3a from Phytophthora infestans Fail to Demonstrate Specific Autonomous Uptake in Plant and Animal Cells. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26 (5), pp. 528 - 536 (2013)
Journal Article
Gioti, A.; Nystedt, B.; Li, W. J.; Xu, J.; Andersson, A.; Averette, A. F.; Muench, K.; Wang, X. Y.; Kappauf, C.; Kingsbury, J. M. et al.; Kraak, B.; Walker, L. A.; Johansson, H. J.; Holm, T.; Lehtio, J.; Stajich, J. E.; Mieczkowski, P.; Kahmann, R.; Kennell, J. C.; Cardenas, M. E.; Lundeberg, J.; Saunders, C. W.; Boekhout, T.; Dawson, T. L.; Munro, C. A.; de Groot, P. W. J.; Butler, G.; Heitman, J.; Scheynius, A.: Genomic Insights into the Atopic Eczema-Associated Skin Commensal Yeast Malassezia sympodialis. Mbio 4 (1), e00572-12 (2013)
Journal Article
Djamei, A.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis: Dissecting the Molecular Interface between Pathogen and Plant. PLoS Pathogens 8 (11), e1002955 (2012)
Journal Article
Dean, R.; Van Kan, J. A. L.; Pretorius, Z. A.; Hammond-Kosack, K. E.; Di Pietro, A.; Spanu, P. D.; Rudd, J. J.; Dickman, M.; Kahmann, R.; Ellis, J. et al.; Foster, G. D.: The Top 10 fungal pathogens in molecular plant pathology. Molecular Plant Pathology 13 (4), pp. 414 - 430 (2012)
Journal Article
Laurie, J. D.; Ali, S.; Linning, R.; Mannhaupt, G.; Wong, P.; Guldener, U.; Munsterkotter, M.; Moore, R.; Kahmann, R.; Bakkeren, G. et al.; Schirawski, J.: Genome Comparison of Barley and Maize Smut Fungi Reveals Targeted Loss of RNA Silencing Components and Species-Specific Presence of Transposable Elements. Plant Cell 24 (5), pp. 1733 - 1745 (2012)
Journal Article
Fernandez-Alvarez, A.; Marin-Menguiano, M.; Lanver, D.; Jimenez-Martin, A.; Elias-Villalobos, A.; Perez-Pulido, A. J.; Kahmann, R.; Ibeas, J. I.: Identification of O-mannosylated Virulence Factors in Ustilago maydis. PLoS Pathogens 8 (3), e1002563 (2012)
Journal Article
Djamei, A.; Schipper, K.; Rabe, F.; Ghosh, A.; Vincon, V.; Kahnt, J.; Osorio, S.; Tohge, T.; Fernie, A. R.; Feussner, I. et al.; Feussner, K.; Meinicke, P.; Stierhof, Y. D.; Schwarz, H.; Macek, B.; Mann, M.; Kahmann, R.: Metabolic priming by a secreted fungal effector. Nature 478 (7369), pp. 395 - 398 (2011)
Journal Article
Wang, L.; Berndt, P.; Xia, X. J.; Kahnt, J.; Kahmann, R.: A seven-WD40 protein related to human RACK1 regulates mating and virulence in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 81 (6), pp. 1484 - 1498 (2011)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; Reissmann, S.; Assmann, D.; Fleckenstein, M.; Kahmann, R.: Two linked genes encoding a secreted effector and a membrane protein are essential for Ustilago maydis-induced tumour formation. Molecular Microbiology 81 (3), pp. 751 - 766 (2011)
Journal Article
Voll, L. M.; Horst, R. J.; Voitsik, A. M.; Zajic, D.; Samans, B.; Pons-Kühnemann, J.; Doehlemann, G.; Münch, S.; Wahl, R.; Molitor, A. et al.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Waller, F.; Deising, H. B.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Kogel, H. K.; Sonnewald, U.: Common motifs in the response of cereal primary metabolism to fungal pathogens are not based on similar transcriptional reprogramming. Frontiers in Plant Physiology 2, p. doi 10.3389 - doi 10.3389 (2011)
Book Chapter
Doehlemann, G.; Schipper, K.; Kahmann, R.: The effectors of smut fungi. In: Effectors in Plant-Microbe Interactions, pp. 77 - 100 (Ed. Centre INRA de Nancy / The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich). Wiley VHC, Oxford (2011)
Journal Article
van der Linde, K.; Kastner, C.; Kumlehn, J.; Kahmann, R.; Doehlemann, G.: Systemic virus-induced gene silencing allows functional characterization of maize genes during biotrophic interaction with Ustilago maydis. New Phytologist 189 (2), pp. 471 - 483 (2011)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Mannhaupt, G.; Münch, K.; Brefort, T.; Schipper, K.; Doehlemann, G.; Di Stasio, M.; Rossel, N.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Pester, D. et al.; Muller, O.; Winterberg, B.; Meyer, E.; Ghareeb, H.; Wollenberg, T.; Munsterkotter, M.; Wong, P.; Walter, M.; Stukenbrock, E.; Guldener, U.; Kahmann, R.: Pathogenicity Determinants in Smut Fungi Revealed by Genome Comparison. Science 330 (6010), pp. 1546 - 1548 (2010)
Journal Article
Berndt, P.; Lanver, D.; Kahmann, R.: The AGC Ser/Thr kinase Aga1 is essential for appressorium formation and maintenance of the actin cytoskeleton in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 78 (6), pp. 1484 - 1499 (2010)
Journal Article
Winterberg, B.; Uhlmann, S.; Linne, U.; Lessing, F.; Marahiel, M. A.; Eichhorn, H.; Kahmann, R.; Schirawski, J.: Elucidation of the complete ferrichrome A biosynthetic pathway in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 75 (5), pp. 1260 - 1271 (2010)
Journal Article
Horst, R. J.; Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Voll, L. M.: Ustilago maydis Infection Strongly Alters Organic Nitrogen Allocation in Maize and Stimulates Productivity of Systemic Source Leaves. Plant Physiology 152 (1), pp. 293 - 308 (2010)
Journal Article
Horst, R. J.; Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Hofmann, J.; Schmiedl, A.; Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.; Voll, L. M.: A model of Ustilag maydis leaf tumor metabolism. Plant Signalling & Behavior 5 (11), pp. 1446 - 1449 (2010)
Journal Article
Khrunyk, Y.; Munch, K.; Schipper, K.; Lupas, A. N.; Kahmann, R.: The use of FLP-mediated recombination for the functional analysis of an effector gene family in the biotrophic smut fungus Ustilago maydis. New Phytologist 187 (4), pp. 957 - 968 (2010)
Journal Article
Lanver, D.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Brachmann, A.; Kahmann, R.: Sho 1 and Msb2-related proteins regulate appressorium development in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis. Plant Cell 22 (6), pp. 2085 - 2101 (2010)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; van der Linde, K.; Aßmann, D.; Schwammbach, D.; Hof, A.; Mohanty, A.; Jackson, D.; Kahmann, R.: Pep1, a Secreted Effector Protein of Ustilago maydis, Is Required for Successful Invasion of Plant Cells. PLoS Pathogens 5 (2), e1000290, pp. 1 - 16 (2009)
Review Article
Brefort, T.; Doehlemann, G.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Reissmann, S.; Djamei, A.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis as a Pathogen. Annual Review of Phythopathology 47, pp. 423 - 445 (2009)
Journal Article
Di Stasio, M.; Brefort, T.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Münch, K.; Kahmann, R.: The dual specificity phosphatase Rok1 negatively regulates mating and pathogenicity in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 73 (1), pp. 73 - 88 (2009)
Journal Article
Dong, X.; Kahmann, R.: Battle for survival: plants and their allies and enemies. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 12, pp. 387 - 389 (2009)
Journal Article
Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Berndt, P.; Djamei, A.; Weise, C.; Linne, U.; Marahiel, M.; Vraneš, M.; Kämper, J.; Kahmann, R.: Physical-chemical plant-derived signals induce differentiation in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 71 (4), pp. 895 - 911 (2009)
Journal Article
Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Eskova, A.; Weise, C.; Czajkowski, R.; Kahmann, R.: Hap2 regulates the pheromone response transcription factor prf1 in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Microbiology 72 (3), pp. 683 - 698 (2009)
Review Article
Rispail, N.; Soanes, D. M.; Ant, C.; Czajkowski, R.; Grünler, A.; Huguet, R.; Perez-Nadales, E.; Poli, A.; Sartorel, E.; Valiante, V. et al.; Yang, M.; Beffa, R.; Brakhage, A. A.; Gow, N. A.R.; Kahmann, R.; Lebrun, M.-H.; Lenasi, H.; Perez-Martin, J.; Talbot, N. J.; Wendland, J.; Di Pietro, A.: Comparative genomics of MAP kinase and calcium–calcineurin signalling components in plant and human pathogenic fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 46, pp. 287 - 298 (2009)
Conference Paper
Schipper, K.; Döhlemann, G.; Brefort, T.; Djamei, A.; Liang, L.; Khrunyk, Y.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: The effectors of smut fungi. In: Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Vol. 7 (Eds. Antoun, H.; et al.). 2009 IS-MPMI Symposium Proceedings (2009)
Review Article
Mueller, O.; Kahmann, R.; Aguilar, G.; Trejo-Aguilar, B.; Wu, A.; de Vries, R. P.: The secretome of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis. Fungal Genetics and Biology 45, Supplement 1, pp. S63 - S70 (2008)
Book Chapter
Brefort, T.; Molina, L.; Doehlemann, G.; Schipper, K.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Mueller, O.; Schirawski, J.; Kahmann, R.: The role of secreted proteins during establishment of biotrophy in the Ustilago maydis/maize pathosystem. In: Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, pp. 1 - 8 (Ed. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions). International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul, M.N. (2008)
Book Chapter
Brefort, T.; Schipper, K.; Döhlemann, G.; Kahmann, R.: The Biotrophic Phase of Ustilago maydis: Novel Determinants for Compatibility. In: Genomics of Disease, pp. 173 - 182. Springer, New York (2008)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Horst, R. J.; Voll, L. M.; Usadel, B.; Poree, F.; Stitt, M.; Pons-Kühnemann, J.; Sonnewald, U.; Kahmann, R. et al.; Kämper, J.: Reprogramming a maize plant: transcriptional and metabolic changes induced by the fungal biotroph Ustilago maydis. The Plant Journal 56 (2), pp. 181 - 195 (2008)
Journal Article
Doehlemann, G.; Wahl, R.; Vranes, M.; de Vries, R. P.; Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.: Establishment of compatibility in the Ustilago maydis/maize pathosystem. Journal of Plant Physiology 165, pp. 29 - 40 (2008)
Journal Article
Reineke, G.; Heinze, B.; Schirawski, J.; Buettner, H.; Kahmann, R.; Basse, C. W.: Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis and its relevance for increased IAA levels in infected tissue and host tumour formation. Molecular Plant Pathology 9 (3), pp. 339 - 355 (2008)
Journal Article
Zarnack, K.; Eichhorn, H.; Kahmann, R.; Feldbrügge, M.: Pheromone-regulated target genes respond differentially to MAPK phosphorylation of transcription factor Prf1. Molecular Microbiology 69 (4), pp. 1041 - 1053 (2008)
Book Chapter
Kahmann, R.; Schirawski, J.: Mating in the smut fungi: From a to b to the downstream cascades. In: Sex in Fungi: Molecular Determination and Evolutionary Implications., pp. 377 - 387. ASM Press, Washington (2007)
Journal Article
Molina, L.; Kahmann, R.: An Ustilago maydis Gene Involved in H2O2 Detoxification Is Required for Virulence. The Plant Cell 19, pp. 2293 - 2309 (2007)
Journal Article
Eichhorn, H.; Lessing, F.; Winterberg, B.; Schirawski, J.; Kaemper, J.; Mueller, P.; Kahmann, R.: A Ferroxidation/Permeation Iron Uptake System Is Required for Virulence in Ustilago maydis. The Plant Cell 18, pp. 3332 - 3345 (2006)
Journal Article
Teerstra, W.; Deelstra, H.; Vranes, M.; Bohlmann, R.; Kahmann, R.; Kaemper, J.; Woesten, H.: Repellents have functionally replaced hydrophobins in mediating attachment to a hydrophobic surface and in formation of hydrophobic aerial hyphae in Ustilago maydis. Microbiology 152, pp. 3607 - 12 (2006)
Journal Article
Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.; Boelker, M.; Ma, L.-J.; Brefort, T.; Saville, B. J.; Banuett, F.; Kronstad, J. W.; Gold, S. E.; Perlin, M. H. et al.; Woesten, H. A. B.; de Vries, R.; Ruiz-Herrera, J.; Reynaga-Pena, C. G.; Snetselaar, K.; McCann, M.; Pérez-Martín, J.; Feldbruegge, M.; Basse, C. W.; Steinberg, G.; Ibeas, J. I.; Holloman, W.; Guzman, P.; Farman, M.; Stajich, J. E.; Sentandreu, R.; González-Prieto, J. M.; Kennell, J. C.; Molina, L.; Schirawski, J.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Greilinger, D.; Muench, K.; Roessel, N.; Scherer, M.; Vranes, M.; Ladendorf, O.; Vincon, V.; Fuchs, U.; Sandrock, B.; Meng, S.; Ho, E. C. H.; Cahill, M. J.; Boyce, K. J.; Klose, J.; Klosterman, S. J.; Deelstra, H. J.; Ortiz-Castellanos, L.; Li, W.; Sanchez-Alonso, P.; Schreier, P. H.; Haeuser-Hahn, I.; Vaupel, M.; Koopmann, E.; Friedrich, G.; Voss, H.; Schlueter, T.; Margolis, J.; Platt, D.; Swimmer, C.; Gnirke, A.; Chen, F.; Vysotskaia, V.; Mannhaupt, G.; Gueldener, U.; Muensterkoetter, M.; Haase, D.; Oesterheld, M.; Mewes, H.-W.; Mauceli, E. W.; DeCaprio, D.; Wade, C. M.; Butler, J.; Young, S.; Jaffe, D. B.; Calvo, S.; Nusbaum, C.; Galagan, J.; Birren, B. W.: Insights from the genome of the biotrophic fungal plant pathogen Ustilago maydis. Nature 444, pp. 97 - 101 (2006)
Book Chapter
Feldbruegge, M.; Boelker, M.; Steinberg, G.; Kaemper, J.; Kahmann, R.: Regulatory and structural networks orchestrating mating, dimorphism, cell shape and pathogenesis in Ustilago maydis. In: The Mycota I, 32540-18, pp. 375 - 391. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg (2006)
Book Chapter
Schirawski, J.; Brefort, T.; Molina, L.; Mendoza-Mendoza, A.; Müller, O.; Kahmann, R.: Ustilago maydis: New insights into the early infection phase. In: Biology of Plant-Micriobe Interactions - Vol. 5, pp. 559 - 564. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul (2006)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Boehnert, H.; Steinberg, G.; Snetselaar, K.; Adamikova, L.; Kahmann, R.: Endoplasmic Reticulum Glucosidase II Is Required for Pathogenicity of Ustilago maydis. The Plant Cell 17, pp. 3532 - 3543 (2005)
Journal Article
Schirawski, J.; Heinze, B.; Wagenknecht, M.; Kahmann, R.: Mating type loci of Sporisorium reilianum: novel pattern with three a and multiple b specificities. Eukaryotic Cell 4, pp. 1317 - 1327 (2005)
Journal Article
Brefort, T.; Mueller, P.; Kahmann, R.: The high-mobility-group domain transcription factor Rpo1 is a direct regulator of prf1 in Ustilago maydis. Eucaryotic Cell 4 (2), pp. 379 - 391 (2005)
Journal Article
Leuthner, B.; Aichinger, C.; Oehmen, E.; Koopmann, E.; Muller, O.; Muller, P.; Kahmann, R.; Bolker, M.; Schreier, P. H.: A H2O2-producing glyoxal oxidase is required for filamentous growth and pathogenicity in Ustilago maydis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 272 (6), pp. 639 - 650 (2005)
Journal Article
Garrido, E.; Voß, U.; Müller, P.; Castillo-Lluva, S.; Kahmann, R.; Pérez-Martíin, J.: The induction of sexual development and virulence in the smut fungus Ustilago maydis depends on Crk1, a novel MAPK protein. Genes and Development 18, 0890-9369/04, pp. 3117 - 3130 (2004)
Magazine Article
Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: Der Maisbeulenbrand: Ein Modell für phytopathogene Pilze. (2004)
Journal Article
Bortfeld, M.; Auffarth, K.; Kahmann, R.; Basse, C. W.: The Ustilago maydis a2 Mating-Type Locus Genes lga2 and rga2 Compromise Pathogenicity in the Absence of the Mitochondrial p32 Family Protein Mrb1. The Plant Cell 16, pp. 2233 - 2248 (2004)
Journal Article
Kahmann, R.; Kämper, J.: Ustilago maydis: how its biology relates to pathogenic development. New Phytologist 164, pp. 31 - 42 (2004)
Journal Article
Mueller, P.; Leibbrandt, A.; Teunissen, H.; Cubasch, S.; Aichinger, C.; Kahmann, R.: The Gbeta-Subunit-Encoding Gene bpp1 Controls Cyclic-AMP Signaling in Ustilago maydis. Eukaryotic Cell 3 (3), pp. 806 - 814 (2004)
Review Article
Feldbrügge, M.; Kämper, J.; Steinberg, G.; Kahmann, R.: Regulation of mating and pathogenic development in Ustilago maydis. Current Opinion in Microbiology 6, pp. 666 - 672 (2004)
Journal Article
Aichinger, C.; Hansson, K.; Eichhorn, H.; Lessing, F.; Mannhaupt, G.; Mewes, W.; Kahmann, R.: Identification of a plant-regulated genes in Ustilago maydis by enhancer-trapping mutagenesis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 270, pp. 303 - 314 (2003)
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