MPI Marburg scientists elected as Co-chairs of Gordon Research Seminar and Gordon Research Conference

August 23, 2016

On this year's Gordon Research Seminar "Molecular Basis of Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism" in New Hamphshire Dr. Tristan Wagner from the research group of Dr. Seigo Shima was elected as a Co-chair of the same Gordon Research Seminar in 2018. On the subsequent Gordon Research Conference Dr. Seigo Shima was elected as Vice-chair for the conference to be held in 2018 and as the Chair of the conference in 2020.

The Gordon Research Conferences are among the most prestigious and important meetings for scientists in the biological, chemical and physical sciences. Most Gordon Research Conferences also have an associated Gordon Research Seminar for early-career scientists. These seminars are organized by young investigators with the support of leading scientists from the associated Gordon Research Conference.

On this year’s Gordon Research Seminar "Molecular Basis of Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism" from July 30-31 in New Hampshire, United States with 60 participants, Dr. Tristan Wagner from the research group of Dr. Seigo Shima was elected as the Co-chair of the same Gordon Research Seminar in 2018.

On the subsequent Gordon Research Conference "Molecular Basis of Microbial One Carbon metabolism" held from July 31st to 5th August with over 150 participants, Dr. Seigo Shima was elected as Vice-chair of the conference to be held in 2018 and as the Chair for the conference in 2020.

Dr. Tristan Wagner’s lecture at Gordon Research Seminar was selected from the many presentations as the only lecture, which was also presented at the subsequent Gordon Research Conference. His Lecture on "Structure and mechanism of formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase" was the highlight of this Gordon Research Conference of this year.

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