Microfluidic single-cell cultivation: Concept, application and challenges
Microbiology Seminar Series
- Date: Jan 27, 2020
- Time: 01:15 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexander Grünberger
- Universität Bielefeld, Technische Fakultät - AG Multiscale Bioengineering
- Location: MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology
- Room: Lecture hall
- Host: Prof. Dr. Tobias Erb
- Contact: toerb@mpi-marburg.mpg.de
Our understanding of microbial processes is still dominated by an average cell approach in which the reactor is well-stirred and all cells behave equally. In contrast, the influence of single cell response to their micro-environment, external disturbances or genetic stochasticity is still a mystery. Therefore, novel analytical methods need to be developed to understand these processes in detail [1]. In this presentation I will give an introduction into microfluidic single-cell cultivation (MSCC) and its application in Microbiology and Biotechnology. Microfluidic single-cell bioreactors [2,3] offer precisely controlled external environmental conditions and allow single-cell analysis at full spatio-temporal resolution and thus provide the opportunity to gain novel insights into fundamental and applied microbiological phenomena. Nevertheless, MSCC is still in an early phase of its development, making a critical discussion of advantages, disadvantages, existing challenges and necessary improvements indispensable [4].
[1] Grünberger, A., et al., (2014), Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 29:15-23.
[2] Grünberger, A., et al., (2012), Lab on a Chip, 12(11): 2060-2068.
[3] Grünberger, A., et al., (2015), Cytometry A, 87(12): 1101-1115.
[4] Dusny, C. & Grünberger A., (2020), Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 63:26–33.