Join us!
Thank you for your interest in our lab!
Please address all applications to maren.nattermann@mpi-marburg.mpg.de.
PhD and PostDoc positions
We’re currently looking for PhD students!
Please include the following details in your application:
- Letter of motivation
- Full CV (please do not include a picture)
- Your preferred starting date
- You can include letters of support from previous PIs, but this is not required
Students and Interns
Open applications are always welcome! Please note that the MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology cannot offer financial support (like a salary/scholarship/grant) for internships or theses. Students in the Master's and Bachelor's program of the Philipps-Universität Marburg are asked to apply through the official selection process.
Please include the following details in your application:
- Are you applying for an internship or a Bachelor's or Master's thesis?
- When do you want to start?
- How long would you like to stay with us?
- If applicable: Are you particularly interested in specific topics / projects / methods?
- Your CV (please do not include a picture) - ideally with detailed information on your previous experiences in research