Matters within the MPI-TM
Mental Health
If you have any internal concerns regarding mental health or personal problems, please contact the following contact points:
EMAP – Employee and Manager Assistance Program
MPI for psychiatry
Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie | Max Planck Institut für Psychiatrie
+49 89 30622-1402
Sexualized Discrimination, Harassment and Violence
If you have concerns regarding sexualized discrimination, harassment and violence please contact following contact points:
The direct supervisor or supervisors and other persons with leadership and supervision responsibilities
The local Gender Equality Office
Dr. Martina Preiner
+49 6421-28-26764
The Central Gender Equality Officer
Dr. Ulla Weber
+49 89 2108-1421
Scientific misconduct
If you need advice on the rules of good scientific practice or you suspect scientific misconduct at the MPI, please contact following contact points:
Prof. Dr. Regine Kahmann
You can find further information under following link: Wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Help for international students
If you have questions regarding housing, visa, etc., you can contact the international office at the MPIterMic:
Dr. Dušica Radoš,
+49 6421/178905
You can find further information under following link: International Office | Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology