Open positions

We are always seeking new group members from both physics/mathematics and biology backgrounds.

We are interested in understanding the mechanims underlying spatial organisation of all kinds but especially in bacteria. Project range from the purely theoretical (pattern selection and scale invariance of Turing patterns) to the modelling of specific biological systems (chromosome organisation, the self-organisation and positioning of subcellular protein clusters) to the development of new data analysis methods (incl. image analysis) to experimental approaches (genetics, fluorescence microscopy, microfluidics etc).

Projects can be either theoretical or experimental or a mix of both but in either case, an interest in understanding the other approach is essential.

Potential doctoral researchers can apply to the IMPRS graduate school ( before the end of January each year to obtain a funded position. We are also happy to support applications for fellowships and other sources of funding.

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Several master projects are available. Please contact for more information.

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