Publications of Nuria Gomez-Santos

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Gomez-Santos, N.; Glatter, T.; Koebnik, R.; Swiatek-Polatynska, M. A.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: A TonB-dependent transporter is required for secretion of protease PopC across the bacterial outer membrane. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 1360 (2019)
Journal Article
Treuner-Lange, A.; Aguiluz, K.; van der Does, C.; Gomez-Santos, N.; Harms, A.; Schumacher, D.; Lenz, P.; Hoppert, M.; Kahnt, J.; Munoz-Dorado, J. et al.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: PomZ, a ParA-like protein, regulates Z-ring formation and cell division in Myxococcus xanthus. Molecular Microbiology 87 (2), pp. 235 - 253 (2013)
Journal Article
Gomez-Santos, N.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Moraleda-Munoz, A.; Garcia-Bravo, E.; Garcia-Hernandez, R.; Martinez-Cayuela, M.; Perez, J.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.; Munoz-Dorado, J.: Comprehensive Set of Integrative Plasmid Vectors for Copper-Inducible Gene Expression in Myxococcus xanthus. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (8), pp. 2515 - 2521 (2012)
Journal Article
Petters, T.; Zhang, X.; Nesper, J.; Treuner-Lange, A.; Gomez-Santos, N.; Hoppert, M.; Jenal, U.; Sogaard-Andersen, L.: The orphan histidine protein kinase SgmT is a c-di-GMP receptor and regulates composition of the extracellular matrix together with the orphan DNA binding response regulator DigR in Myxococcus xanthus. Molecular Microbiology 84 (1), pp. 147 - 165 (2012)
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